
언어발달연구(Studies in Language Development)
  • Owens, R. (2005). Language development. Needhem Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Hoff-Ginsberg, E. H.(1997). Language development. Pacific Grove, CA : Brooks/Cole Publishing.
  • Tomasello, M. & Bates, E. (2001). Language Development: the Essential Readings. Malden,
  • 김영태(2002). 아동언어장애의 진단 및 치료 (제1장, 제3부). 학지사.
의사소통장애연구(Studies in Communication Disorders)
  • Schiavetti, N. & Metz, D. E. (2002). Evaluating research in communicative disorders(4th ed.).
응용행동분석(Applied Behavior Analysis)
  • Kazdin, A. E. (1982). Single-Subject Research Designs: Methods for Clinical and Applied Settings.
  • 이소현, 박은혜, 김영태 (2000). 단일대상연구. 서울 : 학지사
음성장애의 진단 및 치료(Voice Disorders : Diagnosis & Therapy)
  • Boon, D.R., McFarlane, S.C., & Von Berg, S.L. (2005). The voice and voice therapy (7th ed.).
  • Colton, R.H. & Casper, J.K. (1996). Understanding voice problems: A physiological perspectives for diagnosis and treatment (2nd ed.). Lippingcott Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia.
조음장애의 진단 및 치료(Articulation Disorders : Diagnosis & Therapy)
  • al, J. E. & Bankson, J. E. (2004). Articulation and phonological disorders (5th ed.).
  • 신지영 (2003) “우리말소리의 체계” , 한국문화사.
  • auman-Waengler, J. (2000) Articulatory and phonological impairments : A clinical focus.
유창성 장애의 진단 및 치료(Fluency Disorders : Diagnosis & Therapy)
  • Manning, W. H. (2001). Clinical Decision Making in Fluency Disorders(2nd ed,).
  • Guitar, B. (1998). Stuttering: An Integrated approach to its nature and treatment.
  • Zebrowski, P. M. & Kelly, E. M. (2002). Manual of stuttering intervention. New York: Singular.
말·언어 해부 및 생리(Speech & Language : Anatomy & Physiology)
  • Neuroscience for the Study of Communicative Disorders. S.C. Bhatnager & O.J. Andy. 1995.
신경언어 장애의 진단 및 치료(Neurogenic Language Disorders : Diagnosis & Therapy)
  • Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders R.H. Brookshire. 2003. Mosby.